
2017 AMA Supermoto Technical Regulations and Rules Supplement

AMA National Championship & AMA West series:

  • Electric Motorcycles will be allowed to compete in all open divisions that allow 250cc and larger motorcycles.
  • Production based two stroke motorcycles will be allowed to compete in the Pro Lites & 250 divisions. Displacement may not exceed 250cc on any machine entered in that class.
  • Lightweight Twin Cylinder motorcycles will be allowed in select classes at select events.

The following items are required before a rider can practice or compete at a sanctioned event

  • Drain coolant/anti-freeze from radiator and / or overflow tank and replace with distilled water. (water wetter is allowed)
  • Remove all lights and mirrors from street going motorcycles, if they cannot be removed, they must be completely taped over. Remove side stand.
  • All machines must pass a visual safety inspection and have no fluid leaks or loose parts.
  • All motorcycles must have numbers on the bike before they come to tech or are allowed on track. At combined races with National classes, in the event of a number conflict, AMA west riders will need to add a “W” to their competition number.
  • Appropriate, minimal safety riding apparel must be worn while on track.

The following items are no longer required, but highly recommended:

  • Hand Guards or a comparable brake lever guard
  • Axle Sliders, Peg Sliders
  • Drill and safety wire drain bolts and filler caps
  • Overflow catch can or bottle (securely fastened)

*Some tracks may have their own requirements